Flood Deterrence Project for Semenyih River (Projek Tebatan Banjir di Sungai Semenyih Kampung Batu 3, Mukim Semenyih)



Projek Tebatan Banjir (RTB) Sungai Semenyih is a 3.5km-long flood deterrence wall built to reduce the risk of flash floods in the area. The project started in 2016 and was officially completed in 2018.

In Pantau Projek, transparency is assessed based on 39 data points covering basic Project Identification as well as the phases of Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, and Completion. Data is only considered publicly available if it can be obtained online from a credible source.

Available on State Govt and Project Owner website

Available on 3rd party website

Not available on any website

Project Identification

Project owner
Selangor State Government
Sector, subsector
Irrigation and drainage development
Project name
Projek Tebatan Banjir Sungai Semenyih
Project location
Kampung Batu 3, Mukim Semenyih
Flood Risk Management
Project description
Rancangan Tebatan Banjir (RTB) Sungai Semenyih is a 3.5 km of flood deterance wall to reduce risk of Flood at the Semenyih area. The project cost RM30 Million inclusive of the land acquisition. The State government also planning to extend the RTB to Sungai Rinching.
Project scope (main output)
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Environmental impact
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Land and settlement impact
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Contact details
Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Daerah Hulu Langat, Jalan Persiaran Kemajuan, Seksyen 16, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Funding sources
Funds were allocated from Selangor state budget allocation
Project budget
Approximately RM30 million (RM5 million for build project and RM25 million for the land acquisition)
Project budget approval date
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Procuring entity
Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
Procuring entity contact details
Bhg. Ukur Bahan & Kontrak JPS Selangor, Tkt. 5, Blok Podium Selatan, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, 40626 Shah Alam, Selangor
Procurement process
Tender was awarded through bidding process
Contract type
Kerja-kerja am kejuruteraan awam; kerja tanah; kelengkapan mekanikal pelbagai
Contract status (current)
Tkt. 5, Blok Podium Selatan, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,40626 Shah Alam, Selangor (Closed; project completed)
Number of firms tendering
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Cost estimate
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Contract administration entity
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Contract title
Projek Tebatan Banjir Sungai Semenyih di Kampung Batu 3, Mukim Semenyih dan kerja-kerja berkaitan daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Contract firm(s)
Contract price
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Contract scope of work
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Contract start date
The year is 2016 but exact date is unavailable.
Contract duration
Only approximate
Variation to contract price
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Escalation of contract price
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Variation to contract duration
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Variation to contract scope
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Reasons for price changes
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Reasons for scope & duration changes
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Project status (current)
Completed in mid 2018 (no exact date)
Completion cost (projected)
Completion date (projected)
4 April 2018
Scope at completion
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Reasons for project changes
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.
Reference to audit and evaluation reports
The information was not available online at the time of assessment.


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